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Created in 2007 by two engineers, Ivan Lorne and Vincent Pillet, Devisubox developed its first timelapse camera by diverting from its initial use a Nokia 3G cell phone connected to a small solar panel. From this "original tinkering" was born a construction site monitoring service and an audiovisual production service unique in its market that has convinced more than 7000 customers.
Our strength has been to integrate all the necessary trades to our business, from the design of our timelapse cameras, to their installation on site, to the final post-production of videos ... in short 100% "made in France".
We spent 12 years and invested 8M€ in R&D to develop a timelapse camera that combines "complete autonomy" - thanks to its solar panel - with outstanding reliability, allowing it to operate from the far north of Canada to the Sahara desert for months. For this, we have developed our own manufacturing plant in Marseille, with the creation of a high-tech assembly line for the production of our cameras.
Today, we are taking a new technological step. Our timelapse camera no longer simply takes pictures one after the other without question. Now, the shots are intelligently driven by what's happening on the ground. Whether it's the movement of cranes, the delivery of materials or the arrival of workers on the site, our camera triggers shots by itself. And that's not all: thanks to artificial intelligence, we are able to extract business data from the captured photos, such as the number of days a crane has been on your site, or the percentage of workers wearing their helmets. New potential markets are opening up in logistics, safety and risk prevention.
Devisubox® is once again ranked in the Deloitte In Extenso Technology Fast 50! This ranking lists the 50 French companies with the highest growth in turnover from 2012 to 2015. Devisubox® is 4th in the ranking of hardware and electronics companies.
In 2017, Devisubox created a holding company financed by its employees and bought out the shares of its historical business angels (Alumni Business Angels). Thus, Devisubox is now 95% owned by its founders and employees.
With the establishment of our subsidiaries in Canada in 2014 for the North American market and in Morocco in 2018 for the African market, our ambition is to become a world leader through a global monitoring offer.